Review by Angel Johnston | Is It Entertainment?

It’s taken awhile to write this review about the season finale of True Detective, mostly because season 2 was hard to digest and extremely hard to watch. When it was announced who would be in the new season, I was skeptical, as every other fan of the first season was, and I didn’t have confidence in the casting.  My suspicions proved to be true, as HBO failed to deliver!


It’s difficult to accept Vince Vaughn as anything but Vince Vaughn, a sarcastic egocentric buffoon, so when he emerged this season playing a gangster, taking it with a grain of salt was especially hard. The story line between his character and his wife, played by Kelly Reilly, was a chilly display.  I didn’t feel as if these could be real life people at all. 

Colin Farrell plays a washed up detective, drunk and on a downward spiral, not much of a stretch for him there. The writers attempt to give him one or two jokes, but the lines are delivered so poorly,  you almost miss them and halfway through the season Colin changes the voice of his character which is absolutely baffling to the viewer.

The haunting vocals of musician Lera Lynn added mystery to this season that wasn’t there, but her voice is beautiful and sad, it was a refreshing addition. If you have a heart, you should check her out.

Episodes 6 & 7 were really the only reason to watch this season at all.  Mostly due to Rachel McAdams, who plays a rough around the edges detective with a frosty disposition, but when the season finale comes, mercifully, you forget why you were so excited in the first place. The characters are all but forgotten as the season progresses and it’s difficult as the viewer to keep up with who’s who. (Stan? Who the f@$%k is Stan?!)

Season 2 left out the humor of the first, which given the fact the first season has child pornography in it must have been a challenge, but the writers still managed to accomplish that with full colors. This season is all the heavy without much humor to ease the pain of watching it.
I’m completely relieved that I was able to get through the entire series. I don’t recommend you try doing this yourself.  It is NOT entertainment and will only leave you frustrated. Save your time and watch a pot of water come to a boil instead.


FINAL VERDICT:  It’s NOT Entertainment!

'True Detective' Season 2 Review - Not HBO Worthy!
Entertainment Value
3.4Overall Score
Reader Rating: (2 Votes)

About The Author

Editorial Contributor

Angel is the Editor of 'Is It Entertainment' film review and a contributing writer for Austin Food Magazine. She lives at home with her 2 snarky cats.