A touch of a few edible flowers on a salad, served on a beautiful plate, can make a stunning piece of art.   There are two figs varieties that will ripen in late Spring in Central Texas – BrownTurkey & Texas Everbearing.


1 bunch Spinach

2 cups locally-procured field greens

10 fresh figs, quartered

1 package edible flowers

2 shallots

1 garlic clove

2 tbls. Dijon mustard

2/3 cup white wine vinegar

1 ½ cup Grape Seed Oil

1 cup brewed and chilled Hibiscus Tea

salt & pepper


Mix washed greens in a large bowl and dry. In a mixer add shallots, garlic, mustard, vinegar, oil and tea.  Pulse until well blended.  Season with salt & pepper.  Arrange salad on plates and top with dressing, figs and edible flowers.

Spring Salad with Hibiscus Tea Vinaigrette Recipe

About The Author

Recipe/Editorial Contributor - 2013-Present

Chef Trish Wesevich is the owner and operator of Capital Kitchens in Austin, Texas and a contributing writer and recipe developer for Austin Food Magazine.