Alamo Drafthouse’s Rolling Roadshow and Luck Productions joined forces on Saturday night with an unforgettable kickoff event: a starlit screening of the Red Headed Stranger held on the original film set (Willie Nelson’s Luck, TX ranch) and following the film, Willie Nelson spoke to journalist and broadcaster Andy Langer about the history of the film, his experience on set, and the town of Luck, TX. Additional special guests from the film include: art director and set architect Cary White; Sonny Carl Davis, who played ‘Odie Claver’ in the film; wardrobe designers Lana Nelson and Sharon Ely; and more.
Guests were treated to the first-ever digital presentation of the recently resurfaced classic western, showcased on Rolling Roadshow’s projector screen situated in the middle of the Luck, TX property. Following a painstaking search for the original film, nearly 20 years after its last official screening, Luck Productions and Rolling Roadshow found the original tape, bringing in American Genre Film Archive to digitize the Red Headed Stranger for the film’s first showing in digital form.