Fridays are meant for half days and early happy hours.  If you and your office mates are in the mood for cocktails without assigning someone to stand at the bar to mix them all afternoon, you’ll need several gallons on standby to keep your crew happy.

Margaritas are the go-to cocktail to please a thirsty crowd and Dulce Vida Tequila has the perfect batched cocktail recipe for gallons of good times to kick off your weekend.  Grab a few empty pitchers and a few ingredients below, it’s time to make office happy hours great again.


  • 2.5 Gallons

(2) 750mL bottles of Dulce Vida Tequila (80 proof Blanco) o 25 oz. Agave Nectar o 51 oz. Water o 51 oz. Fresh Lime Juice o 6 oz. Fresh OJ

  • 5 Gallons

(4) 750mL bottles of Dulce Vida Tequila (80 proof Blanco) o 51 oz. Agave Nectar o 102 oz. Water o 102 oz. Fresh Lime Juice o 13 oz. Fresh OJ

  • 10 Gallons

(8) 750mL bottles of Dulce Vida Tequila (80 Proof Blanco) o 88 oz. Agave Nectar o 204 oz. Water o 204 oz. Fresh Lime Juice o 20 oz. Fresh OJ o 5 lbs. ice if to be served over a long period of time


Dulce Vida Tequila


Bottle Prep. Directions: *using preferred gallon bottle size

  • Funnel the following ingredients into the bottle:
  1. Dulce Vida Tequila (80 Proof Blanco) b. Agave Nectar c. Water d. Fresh Lime Juice e. Fresh OJ
  • Seal bottle
  • Shake/rock the bottle to stir ingredients


Creating the End Cocktail:

  1. Fill glass with ice 2. Pour cocktail 3. Garnish with lime and enjoy – Viva Dulce Vida!

About The Author

Editor In Chief

Hayden Walker is the Editor in Chief and Director of Operations for Austin Food Magazine